Drawing inspiration from the
hair style trends of our favorite stars and celebrities has become a national
past time. One such celebrity hair style is that of International property developer and television star Donald Trump. His trade
mark comb-over hair style and techno-color hair” is a tonsorial work of
TO GET THE LOOK: Are you watching your hairline fade and feel that
there’s nothing you can do about it, short of a hair transplant? Before you give up, take a styling lesson from Donald
Trump’s and put your base ball cap away. To get the look, let’s take it one
step at a time; starting with a style cut and shaping.
LET’S SHAPE IT: To cover this much landscape will require a building
permit and full set of architectural hair styling plans. To get the look, start
with a long layered silhouette and low slung side part combed over the crown to
put the blank spot stylishly under cover. The sides and front are long and
tapered with a few “love locks” to cover the hairline. With a few adjustments
(tweaks) as it grows you can easily find the ideal length and shape for your
LET’S STYLE IT: To get all 500 hairs flying in formation start
with a dab of shaping gel or gel
mousse to thicken and add style support. Just run either through damp
hair and give it a quick blast with a blow dryer for a full look. After part
and swoop the hair across the top, flipped the front back and push it forward
to cover the receding hairline. To hold this tonsorial master piece in place
finish with extra hold special FX
hairspray and you’re good to go.
NOW, LET’S COLOR IT: If your hair color is fading away and graying
around the temples like Donald Trump’s a light golden brown tint will wash the
gray away and give the thin hair a thicker look. After, a clear glaze seals-in
the color and turns up the shine. To prevent the color from fading prematurely
a light brown color enhancing shampoo is used weekly. To keep it up the new
growth is re-tinted once a month. This will cost a few extra bucks but is well
worth time and expense for a youthful look.
Now that you have your fading hairline
covered with a few “love locks”
you can put your base ball cap away. The low side part combed over the crown
puts the blank spot stylishly under cover. The full look with neckline over the
collar gives you a sporty look. Trading in your graying hair for a light
natural brown hue defines the shape and washed the gray away for a youthful
look. Heads will turn and your pals will wonder “What’s Up Dude” when they see
the babe's making a fuss over you and your Donald Trump comb-over do’.

More Star Hair Styles / www.georgecaroll.com
Toluca Lake Salon / 1 818 980 3210