Thursday, March 13, 2014

Sir Mick Jagger / Star Hair Style

Drawing inspiration from the hair styles of our favorite stars and celebrities has become national past time. One star whose hair style has been on the must have list for ever is legendary rock star Mick Jagger. His full tousled hair style and rock star image is irresistible to ladies who are attracted to the wild side and quite the catch for those girls who go for the sensitive creative types.

TO GET THE LOOK: Are you never satisfied with the way your hair looks? If that’s the case, take a styling lesson from Mick Jagger and end your losing streak. Be forewarned, this tousled finger combed style is a "babe magnet". So be prepaid to take names and cell phone number when you show up with Mick's rock star hair style.  To get the look, let’s take it one step at a time; starting with a style cut and shaping.

LET’S SHAPE IT: To get the look, start with a face framing full contoured silhouette with hair stylishly over the collar. A few "love lock" dancing across the forehead puts a receding hair line stylishly under cover. This rock solid style cut looks great from all points of view, holds the shape as it grows and almost styles itself. With a few adjustments (trims) as it grows you can easily find the ideal length and shape for your Jagger style.

LET’S STYLE IT: To style, use a dab of shaping gel or mousse  or nothing at all. Just run either through damp hair and comb in place to dry au natural, or give it a quick blow dryer for a full tousled look. To turn up the sex appeal, when dry, add a dab of hair gel or hair polish through the top for shine and style support and you've got Mick Jagger’s star style.

Let's Add Accessories: What's a rock star hair style with out accessories. To get the total look add low cut slim fit jeans ( black or dark gray) with a contrasting rocker belt paired with a (slim-cut crew neck tee or dress shirt & tie) with colorful blazer... you've got the look. 

NOW, LET’S COLOR IT:  If you’re natural hair color is graying around the edge wash the gray away with a semi permanent light Auburn tint. After, a clear glaze seals-in the color and turns up the shine. To keep this youthful look the new growth is colored with every other style cut. It will take a little extra time and cost a few extra bucks but its a small price to pay for youthful look and all the attention you’ll get.

Mick's road tested rock solid hair style comes fully loaded with sex appeal and is sure to give you the style “satisfaction” you’re looking for. The face framing contoured silhouette, rock solid hair color and love lock dancing across the forehead is a babe magnet. You’re sure to get a positive reaction and drive the girls out of their heads when you show up on the dance floor a Mick Jagger “rock star” hair style.

For Mick Jagger’s star style,
visit the George Caroll Studio Style Salon
and make your hair shine like the stars

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