Thursday, December 18, 2014

New Year / New Hair Style

Are you ready to step into the New Year with a new hairstyle? How long has it been sense you've changed the way you wear and style your hair? If you’ve been wearing the same hairstyle for five years or longer it may be time for a change. If so there has never been a better time because the choices are unlimited for both men and women.

For men everything is in styles from the new close clipped short styles as well as full long styles or even shaved heads are in-style but a quick way to update his style is with whisker's. Facial hair can instantly add a stylish look. Nothing can reshape a face or add a dramatic look like whiskers. All facial hair styles, “Sideburns, Mustaches, Goatees and Full Beards" are determined by the natural growth pattern and density of the facial hair. Whiskers can be shaped and styled to cover a ruddy complexion, shorten a wide upper lip, add width to a narrow face, balance a large nose, soften or accent sharp features, cover a scare, strengthen a weak chin or cover a double chin, make receding hairlines less noticeable and add a mature look to a young face. Wearing facial hair can give you a mature, stylish, artsy, rugged, dashing, sexy, intelligent, friendly, decisive, bold, aristocratic and distinguished look. What more can I say about man's best friend___ whiskers?

For women changing your hair style or hair color doesn’t need to be drastic unless your up for a bold new look. If your happy with the way you're current hair style looks there are creative ways to give it a new look with a splash of hair color.  Or turn your textured wavy curly hair into a smooth straight look or add extra length with hair extensions. Trying on a short up lifting face framing style cut can make some look years younger and for some even pounds slimmer.  There's nothing to fear when changing the way to wear and style your hair after all hair grows so anything you try is not permanent. And best of all it can be a fun exciting experience. In the hands of a creative stylist often all it takes is a few well placed snips and styling tricks or a new hair color to create a fresh new updated look that turns your regular hair style into a totally new look.

To find a new style for your face shape, unique features, hair color and personal desire our studio stylists will first ask you what you have in mind. If you have a hair style or hair color you'd like to try bring a picture to show the stylist. Don't put it off, plan to visit a hair stylist and start the new year with an exciting new look. We're located in Toluca Lake, just minutes for Universal and Warner Brother's studios To help you step into the New Year with a New Hairstyle we’ve made it affordable with our special introductory New Years Studio Style Cut and 50% off first time hair color service. Our studio stylists have been helping the entertainment industry and Toluca Lake residents look their best for years.... now its your turn to jump start the new year with a new hair style. See for location and details.



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